Latest Past Events

A Candle Against the Dark

Englewood Arts Center, 10901 E Winner Rd, Independence, MO. 10901 E Winner Rd, Independence, MO., Independence

Ben Martin, President of the English-Speaking Union Kansas City Branch, has written a stage play titled, A Candle Against the Dark premiering at the Englewood Arts Center in Independence, Missouri in October. A Candle Against the Dark tells the true story of one Kansas City family’s experience with polio. In addition, it tells the stories of […]


Test National Event 4

Curabitur nec urna mauris. Mauris at neque elementum libero luctus blandit. Donec sodales, dolor ac commodo molestie, tortor urna placerat nibh, nec scelerisque mauris orci at enim. Vivamus sagittis ipsum at interdum lobortis. Maecenas fringilla diam semper eros euismod hendrerit. Morbi pharetra tempor sem non ultrices. Etiam feugiat vestibulum odio, a suscipit ipsum congue id. […]