
In the News

2024 ARNIC Graduation Celebration

For its participation in the English in Action Across America online tutoring program, the ESU Denver Branch received the ESU Andrew Romay New Immigrant Center Leadership in Volunteerism Award on June 20, 2024. EiA Coordinator Bruce Haefner accepted the award and met two online students as they graduated from ARNIC: Israel Campo Eman (left) and Saizhinma Nimaeva (right).

2024 King’s Birthday Celebration

The ESU Denver Branch celebrated the King’s Birthday with Afternoon Tea at Babe’s Tea Room on Saturday, June 8, 2024. Attendees included officers, directors, teachers, EiA tutors and long-time as well as brand-new Branch members.

2024 Denver Branch Shakespeare Competition

Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 ESU Denver Branch Shakespeare, held on Saturday, February 10, 2024, at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts: Runner-up Talia Knoshaug from Lakewood High School (left) and Winner Chase Mackay from Denver School of the Arts (right).

2024 Tour of the Phillips Collection Exhibit

The ESU Denver Branch toured the Phillips Collection exhibit at the Denver Art Museum on Saturday, January 20, 2024. After the Branch Board meeting in the morning, we met for lunch at Pint’s Pub and then enjoyed the docent-led tour of the exhibit on loan from the Phillips Memorial Gallery in Washington DC.

2023 Holiday Party and Writing Competition Awards

On Sunday, December 10, 2023, the ESU Denver Branch gathered at the Denver Woman’s Press Club to celebrate the Holiday Season and the student winners of the 14th Annual Dr. Howard F. Beckley Writing Competition. After enjoying social time and holiday refreshments, attendees were treated to readings of the winning essays by the students. This year’s winners included: 1st Place – Joshua Quinn Matteson (center), Lakewood High School student of Susan Stokley (second from right), 2nd Place – Anya Adkins Flores-McDowell (second from left), Littleton High School student of Millicent Ambroggio (left), and 3rd Place – Ren Mears (right), student of Susan Stokley at Lakewood High School.

2023 TLab Dinner and Presentation

On Thursday, November 9, 2023, the ESU Denver Branch met at the University Club to hear about the summer studies of TLab scholars Ace Eggleston (center), English teacher at Grandview High School, at Shakespeare’s Globe, and Meredith Fulford (right), English teacher at East High School, at Oxford University.

2023 Wrench Speaker Andrew Lownie

The ESU Denver Branch hosted Wrench Speaker Andrew Lownie for his presentation on Literary Edinburgh, in partnership with the Denver Woman’s Press Club on Monday, September 18, 2023.

2023 ESU Denver Branch Annual Meeting and Brunch

The ESU Denver Branch met at the Denver Country Club on Saturday, July 29, 2023, to hold its Annual Meeting and Brunch. At left, Tom Tafoya, elected to a new term on the Denver Branch Board, with new member Shelly Russell; at right, Program Chair Ingerid Kelley.