The English-Speaking Union of the United States is a membership organization whose mission is carried out locally by the efforts of Branch members.

As an ESU member, you are contributing both financially and personally to programs that enrich the lives of students and educators through a diverse range of local and national programs. Additionally, members expand their own social network by being invited to cultural and social events, speakers and book author events, regional and national events as well as invitations to international travel opportunities.


We invite you to join the Denver Branch of the English-Speaking Union.

We welcome new members to join our fellowship in fulfilling the mission of the ESU and to enjoy the social and cultural events we hold throughout the year. We hope that the open exchange of ideas and experiences we provide will benefit you and the Denver community.

Join the Denver ESU Branch
  • A membership card
  • Automatic membership in a Branch and the National ESU
  • Invitations to Branch member’s events
  • Invitations to ESU-sponsored TLab educational travel
  • Special membership rates for Branch lectures, receptions, dinner, and related activities (subject to Branch custom)
    Subscriptions to Branch newsletters, ESU Annual Report, and national ESU e-newsletter (email address required)

Membership dues

Membership type Annual Price
Single $60
Couple $100
Teacher $50
English in Action Tutor $45
Student $45

Additional Contributions

You can help the Denver Branch locally by making an additional contribution to one of the following:  Teacher and Student Scholarship, Shakespeare Competition, Speaker Program, or Where It’s Needed Most. 100% of your gift goes to the Branch. Click here to make a fully tax-deductible donation.

Consider Joining as a National Patron

National Patron Membership provides higher level support to programs that enrich the lives of our members, teachers, and thousands of high school and college students nationwide.  National Patrons receive local and national recognition and invitations to exclusive events.  One half of your contribution supports the Denver Branch. 

See membership benefits