
In the News

The Central Florida ESU 2024 Program Season Begins

Timothy Riley, Director and Chief Curator of the National Churchill Museum (NCM) at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, kicked appeared as our September Program guest speaker. His lecture on Winston Churchill outlined how this iconic figure played an essential role in the Allied victory during the war and throughout his long and storied career. Riley’s eloquent focus on the power of prose to win the war and preserve peace held our members captive!

ESU Approves Grant to the Opera Orlando

In July, an exciting Memorandum of Understanding was created, and with the approval of our Education Committee, the grant proposal for $10,000 and MOU with Opera Orlando and our ESU Branch was sealed. It is an exciting opportunity to partner with a vibrant organization in our community; one which will benefit both of our organizations.

Branch Board Members Visit Orlando Shakes, The Young Company

On June 30, 2024, Jan McClure, Donna Miller, and Barbara Hughes attended The Young Company’s performance of Henry IV, Part 1 at Orlando Shakes. It was an afternoon of hilarity, action, and incredible talent! Weeks later, we received a collection of messages from the cast and crew. Each one expresses gratitude to the Central Florida ESU for the funds we contribute to support this dynamic experience.

The Passing of an ESU Patron

Ken Hubble, a man of many talents, skills, interests, and down-to-earth wisdom, died of heart failure on May 25, 2024, at The Mayflower Health Center. Ken’s loss brings sadness to all who knew him, especially those mentored by him. His contributions have helped our Central Florida ESU Branch in its journey to become the worthy organization it is today. For that, Ken Hubble will – and should be – remembered.

OCPS Media Festival

Past President Donna Miller and new President Jan McClure represented our Branch at the Orange County Association of Media Educators Student Media Festival on April 25. Our Drey Endowment grant of $2000 purchased student trophies and printed programs.

ESU National Shakespeare Competiton

The Central Florida ESU was honored for Julia Kaufman to represent our branch in the 2024 ESU National Shakespeare Competition. We also applaud Julia’s family, as well as Windermere Prep sponsor, BambiEllen Fadoul, for paving the way to Julia’s success through their support and coaching.