Sponsored by the ESU Richmond Branch
Alan Frederick “Tommy” Lascelles had a remarkable career serving four sovereigns of Great Britain from George V to Queen Elizabeth II in the role of Private Secretary or Assistant Private Secretary. From the death of a monarch, through the abdication of another, World War II, the death of a second monarch and the ascension of a young woman to the throne, Tommy was there closely observing everything. Was he the malevolent martinet as portrayed by Pip Torrens in the Netflix series “The Crown” or was he merely wholly dedicated to preserving the Monarchy by guiding the Monarch?
We will explore Tommy’s life, education, family, and career as well as the role of the Private Secretary. Our guest speaker, Terry Mulchahey, examines the fascinating life of Tommy Lascelles. This ESU Happy Hour is sponsored by the ESU Richmond Branch. ESU Happy Hour programs are online, free, and open to all members and the public. Registration is required. All programs take place on Eastern Time.
It was from my Canadian born mother that I got my dual U.S.-Canadian citizenship and my love of all things British (except Marmite). Educated at Michigan State University and Cornell University, I spent my business career with domestic and international corporations but maintained a strong curiosity and interest in non-work subjects. Those subjects were often individuals in history, particularly British, whose lives and careers drew my attention. As a result, I have taken “deep dives” into the lives of people like Arthur J. Balfour, Mark Sykes, Earnest Shackleton and the subject of my ESU Happy Hour, Alan Frederick “Tommy” Lascelles.
In honor of Tommy’s time in India and the momentous event which occurred there, I’m suggesting the classic gin and tonic. I prefer mine in a tall glass, so:
Fill a tall glass with ice
Add 2 oz. of gin
Top with tonic
Garnish with lime (either two wheels or a wedge)